Purpose: Transcripts for eFiled cases may be transmitted to the courts using the Wisconsin eFiling system. Once processed by the courts, the court reporter can choose which parties on the case may view the transcript.
Applicable Users: Court Reporters
Uploading transcripts
- Visit the eFiling website at https://efiling.wicourts.gov/ and log in. For more information see the article Logging into Wisconsin circuit court eFiling.
- Select upload transcript from the top navigation bar or the [Upload transcript] button the from the bottom menu.
- From the County dropdown menu, select the applicable county and in the Case number field, enter the number of the case your transcript was created for. Select the [Upload documents] button to locate the transcript and add it to the case.
Note: The transcript must be in .pdf format, less than 10 MB in size, and be letter or legal page size.
- Enter a descriptive title in the Document title text entry field and select the [Submit] button.
Note: An accurate and descriptive document title is beneficial for easy identification. The title entered here is visible in the View documents list on the My cases page, and is also visible by the courts. - Once the courts processes the electronic document, it displays on your My transcripts page.
Viewing transcripts and marking parties as paid
- Visit the eFiling website at https://efiling.wicourts.gov/ and log in. For more information see the article Logging into Wisconsin circuit court eFiling.
- Select the my transcripts from the main navigation or the [My transcripts] button the bottom-left menu.
- From the County dropdown menu, select the applicable county and in the Case number text entry field, enter the number of the case your transcript was filed on. Then, select the [Search] button.
- Once you have received payment for a transcript, select the Yes radio button in the Can view column for the applicable party.
Note: If a party has not opted in to eFile, you will need to mail the transcript to the party. - You will receive a confirmation screen after allowing access to a party that reads, “Transcript access sent successfully”.
Contact the eFile support center if you have further questions. Staff are available Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., except for court holidays.
Phone: 1-800-462-8843
Online support form and chat: https://www.wicourts.gov/ecourts/efilesupportform.htm
Email: efilesupport@wicourts.gov
Wisconsin Court Systems (Updated: )