Purpose: The non-party filing feature is available to users with eCourts account types of Self-represented party, Wisconsin attorney, Pro hac vice attorney, and Non-party filer. However, this guide is specific to users with the account type Non-party filer who file only using the non-party feature. If you do not have an eCourts account, please follow the steps in the Creating an eCourts Account user guide and select the account type of Non-party filer when creating your account.
Applicable Users: Non-party filers
eFiling documents on an existing appeals case
- Visit the Wisconsin appellate court eFiling website at https://acefiling.wicourts.gov/ and log in. For more information see the article Logging into Wisconsin appellate court eFiling.
- Select the non-party filing menu option or the Non-party filing hyperlink.
- Enter the appeals case number in the Case number field. Select [Continue].
Note: Case numbers must be entered without dashes or spaces. - Review the bulleted list to ensure your documents are properly formatted. Select [Upload documents] to browse for and upload the document you wish to file.
Note: If you need to file a document with your signature on it, the signature must be added before the document is uploaded to the eFiling system. To apply your signature, it is recommended you type ‘Electronically signed by (your name)’ where your signature should go. For documents requiring more than your signature, print them out, sign them by hand, and scan them back in as a PDF. - Select the correct document type from the Document type drop down, and enter a descriptive title in the Document title field.
Select the Corrected checkbox if the uploaded document is a new version of a previously filed document. Only certain document types allow for a corrected version to be uploaded.
The Transmittal notes to clerk text entry field functions like a virtual sticky note on your filing. Anything entered in this box displays to the clerk while they process your filing, but is deleted once your filing is accepted. These notes are not permanently saved to the case. Select [Continue]. - On the Ready to file page, select the checkbox next to filing(s) you wish to submit to the Clerk of Supreme Court and Court of Appeals, then select [File].
- The Filings submitted page lets you know that your filing(s) has been submitted successfully.
- After you submit your filing, it is electronically transmitted to the Clerk of the Supreme Court and Court of Appeals and processed by the clerk. You will receive an email confirming your document(s) have been filed once they are accepted by the court.
Contact the eFile support center if you have further questions. Staff are available Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., except for court holidays.
Phone: 1-800-462-8843
Online support form and chat: https://www.wicourts.gov/ecourts/efilesupportform.htm
Email: efilesupport@wicourts.gov
Wisconsin Court Systems (Updated: )