Purpose: If you are an attorney for an agency (such as corporation counsel) and would like to delegate access to a local government staff member to prepare new filings or file on your behalf, it is possible to restrict access to certain case types. To delegate access with case type restrictions, complete the following steps:
Applicable Users: Attorneys for local government agencies
- Visit the eFiling website at https://efiling.wicourts.gov/ and log in. For more information see the article Logging into Wisconsin circuit court eFiling.
Hover your mouse over your name in the top-right corner of the page. Select delegations from the dropdown menu that appears.
On the Delegations page, select [Create].
Only a user with an eCourts account type of Local Government Staff may be granted delegation for an agency attorney. Enter the local government staff member’s eCourts account email address, and then select [Find].
The matching user’s name information displays in order to verify that the correct email address has been entered. Select the Access Type the staff member should have:
File preparation allows the user to prepare new filings for the attorney to then submit.
Full account access allows the user to perform the same actions as an attorney.
From the County dropdown, select the county the delegated user will have access to file in. From the Local government organization drop down, select the agency.
When an agency has been selected, the Case types dropdown menu appears. Select all case types to which the delegated user should have access. Leave this field blank to provide access to all case types with no restrictions. The delegated user will be able to prepare filings and view documents on the My cases page for all case types listed in the Case types field. In the following example, the delegated user would have access to Civil, Guardianships, and Non-Traffic Ordinance Violation case types only. All other case types would be restricted.
When all case types have been entered, select [Save] to finish configuring access for the delegated user.
Users with delegation, the county in which they are set up, and the case types they have access to display in the Delegations list. The Edit case types link in the Actions column allows the attorney to change the case types the delegated user has access to. The Delete link in the Actions column allows you to remove access to your cases for this user.
- Once a local government staff user has been delegated access by a corporation counsel attorney, that user will have the same access to cases for all attorneys in corporation counsel. It would therefore be advisable to consult with fellow corporation counsel attorneys to determine what type of access users should be delegated.
- Delegation access is restricted by county. If you work for corporation counsel in multiple counties, you must create a delegation entry for a staff member for each county.
- If the local government staff user's email address is listed in the CC email notifications field on an attorney's User Preferences page, setting up full account access may lead to the user receiving duplicate email notifications. To avoid this situation, remove the email address for the local government staff user from 'CC email notifications' once delegation access is established.
Contact the eFile support center if you have further questions. Staff are available Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., except for court holidays.
Phone: 1-800-462-8843
Online support form and chat: https://www.wicourts.gov/ecourts/efilesupportform.htm
Email: efilesupport@wicourts.gov
Wisconsin Court Systems (Updated: )