Purpose: After a case has been electronically filed or converted to electronic format, a registered party can file subsequent documents on that case. This guide covers how to file on a case as an opted in party on the electronic filing site. If you have not yet opted in to a case, see Opting in on a case (becoming an electronic party on an existing case) & opting out for instructions.
Applicable Users: eCourts users
- Visit the eFiling website at https://efiling.wicourts.gov/ and log in. For more information, see the article Logging into Wisconsin circuit court eFiling.
- Select my cases from the main navigation or the [My cases] button from the bottom menu.
- Enter the case number or caption in the search filter fields on the My cases page to quickly locate the case you wish to file on. The Case no. filter allows you to enter a complete case number or just the case type (CV, FA, SC, etc.). Use the County dropdown list to filter cases by the county in which they are filed. Use the arrows at the top of each column to sort the My cases list alphabetically by county, caption, status, and attorney, and numerically by case number.
Note: To view closed cases, select the Click here to search link near the top of the page. - Once you have located the case, select the File another document link.
Note: Cases in Submitted status have not been reviewed or processed by the court. Documents cannot be filed on submitted cases until the case has been accepted. After the court reviews and processes the case, the filing status changes to Open and additional documents may then be filed. - Review the bulleted specifications list to ensure your documents are properly formatted. Select [Upload documents] to browse for and upload documents.
Note: If you need to file a document with your signature on it, that signature must be added before the document is uploaded to the eFiling system. To apply your signature, you can either sign a paper copy of the document by hand and then scan it as a PDF, or use document editing software to type the words “Electronically signed by” followed by your name where you would have traditionally signed. This text serves as your official signature on court documents. - From the Document type dropdown menu, select the correct document type, and enter a descriptive title in the Document title text entry field. Select [Continue].
Note: An accurate and descriptive title is beneficial for identifying documents. The title entered here displays in the View documents list on your My cases screen, and is visible to the courts.
By selecting a link in the File name column, you can view an uploaded document, and by selecting the Remove link, you can delete an uploaded document.
The Notes to Clerk text entry field functions like a virtual sticky note on your filing. Anything entered in this field displays to the clerk while they process your filing, but is deleted once your filing is accepted. These notes are not permanently saved to the case. - On the Ready to file page, select the checkbox next to filing(s) you wish to submit, or select the checkbox next to a county name to submit all filings in that county. Then, select [File] or [File and Pay].
Note: When filing a document with an associated filing fee (e.g., a garnishment or jury demand) the [File and Pay] button displays and you are required to make payment upon submission of your filings.
If you have set up a court debit account (CDA) with the circuit court you are filing in, you have the option to choose a payment method. To learn how to set up a CDA, see the Creating and managing a court debit account article. It is your responsibility to ensure sufficient funds are available in the account at the time of filing.
When paying with a credit/debit card or eCheck via the US Bank ePayment website, a transaction fee is applied to the total. - On the Filings submitted page, select the [Return to main menu] link if no payment is required. Otherwise, select [Make payment with US Bank] to proceed to the US Bank ePayment website and pay the associated filing fees.
Note: Once you have advanced to this page, do not close out of your browser window or take a break. Selecting the [File and pay] button at the bottom of the previous page initiates a connection with the US Bank ePayment website that exists for 10-15 minutes.
If you wait longer than that to complete your payment or exit the system before the payment process is complete, you will need to select the $ payment needed link in the main navigation to make payment. You may need to wait 1-2 hours for the filing in need of payment to appear. Your filing will not be processed by the county until payment has been made. Filings will expire after 48 hours without payment.
US Bank is the vendor that processes circuit court credit card and electronic check transactions. You do not need a US Bank checking or savings account to pay for filings on the US Bank ePayment website. You can pay using a Visa card, MasterCard, or electronic check. - After you submit your filing, it is transmitted to the circuit court and processed when both the filing and payment (if fees were assessed) are received. You will receive an email confirmation and the file-stamped document(s) will be visible on the My cases page of the eFiling website where you can print them for service to paper notice parties on the case.
Note: Submitted documents that have not yet been processed display in Submitted status on the My cases page. They are not visible to other parties until they have been processed.
Contact the eFile support center if you have further questions. Staff are available Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., except for court holidays.
Phone: 1-800-462-8843
Online support form and chat: https://www.wicourts.gov/ecourts/efilesupportform.htm
Email: efilesupport@wicourts.gov
Wisconsin Court Systems (Updated: )